Friday, July 5, 2013

Passive Voice Existance

Though I hardly have the mind to appreciate it fully, today's technology is astounding. Most of the people I spend time with make a living inventing ways to detect specific aerosols and pollutants of any kind from miles away using just light. How these people are not moved to awe and gratitude to a Creator who is very clearly beyond anything we could ask or imagine is beyond me, and the more I consider that the less naive I feel for it. We are very excited that we can count photons. We overlook that photons were created. It's not hard to say we live for a God who already knows everything, but when we celebrate our "discoveries" (and we should!), perhaps we could do so with a feeling of revelation over our feeling of accomplishment. Whatever we know - photon counts included - is revealed, and only in very small part by expensive lasers and sharp minds (and those, too, to the glory of God). I am surrounded by concepts that prompt enthusiasm... honing that feels effortless today, maybe because I am not the one directing it.